
Fashion Alerts 8/25

As soon as I saw this item on People.com this morning, I had to share it with you. It's not exactly budget-friendly but I think many of you iPod lovers can appreciate it. It's called the TuneBuckle. It's a belt buckle that holds and protects your iPod Nano for you while you go about your normal day listening to your music. Now, I am not an iPod person and know very little about them but I can certainly see the appeal in this product. I also find it moderately attractive for such a functional item.

The belt comes in two colors, black and white, and is offered in a variety of sizes. There are three types of buckles available: The Original ($60), shown below, which offers a view of the iPod inside, The Full Moon ($70) where only the iPod's volume dial is visible, and The Full Metal Jacket ($80), which completely encases the iPod inside the metal buckle. If you're interested in this item, you can purchase it on the TuneBuckle website, which I also linked above. Very cool!


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