
Avast, me beauties!

Aye matey, today be Talk Like A Pirate Day...one o' me favorite days o' the year! Arrr! Swab the decks or be keelhauled!

Yes, support your fellow pirates and drink a mug o' grog in honor of this wondrous day. To read more about Talk Like A Pirate Day and to learn how to talk like this most despicable yet endearing creature, go here. I'm way ahead of you because, as you can see from my profile picture, I dress like a pirate every day.

For the super n00bs who are only able to communicate in leet speak, read this most amusing article and start talking like a pirate on the internet.

Why should ye talk like a pirate? For the GWMD, o' course (guns, women, muskets, and dubloons...although in my case it's more like GMMD)!

Load t' cannon and drink up me hearties, yo ho!


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